Town Of Holden
Louise Charbonneau
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Conference Room – Senior Center
Present: Rev. Dr. Jerry Heslinga; Albert Ferron; Faye Ellis; Richard Mansfield;
Barbara Anger; Susan Sullivan; Jacquie Kelly; Louise Charbonneau; Jim Robinson;
Cheryl Owoc; Maureen Buffone.
Guest Speaker: Theresa Eckstrom.
Rick introduced Theresa Eckstrom, the Director of Client Services at Elder Services of Worcester Area, Inc. Elder Services of Worcester is a private, non-profit agency whose mission is to help elders and their families obtain essential services so that elders can remain at home and remain independent for as long as possible. Elder Services of Worcester Area is one of twenty-seven Aging Services Access Points (ASAP) in Massachusetts and assists elders over the age of sixty from fifteen communities in the Greater Worcester area.
Protective Services receives between 100 and 150 reports per month of elder abuse/self-neglect. Elder abuse is an act or omission which results in serious physical or emotional injury or financial exploitation of a person over the age of 60. This includes physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, neglect and financial exploitation. Financial exploitation is the fast growing abuse with elders. There is no cost for protective services, depending on income. Fee is never an issue in providing care.
The minutes from the January 6, 2011 meeting were approved and accepted.
F.H.C.O.A. REPORT ~ Barbara Anger
Barbara reported that the account balances as of March 2nd are as follows:
Commerce Bank $16,415.70
Leominster Credit Union $4,615.15
Leominster Credit Union C.D. $23,121.83
The cookie sale raised approximately One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars.
Jim referred to the last financial report, dated December 31, 2010. The disbursements amounted to $3,181.86 and the receipts totaled $12,619.44. January’s disbursements totaled $3,800.00. The disbursement levels are currently 66% of receipts, which is a good ratio.
Cheryl reported that there are 6 open cases from 2010. They received 18 requests from the beginning of the year. Most of the requests are for heating. Cheryl and Paula suggested budget billing for heating oil at a discounted price, which would be done in July. Help at Home could purchase $2,000.00 worth of oil, to be used for requests that come in next winter.
Senior Center1130 Main StreetHolden, MA 01520Phone 508.829.0270Fax 508.829.0214
Rick reported that there is no waiting list right now, but they are expecting cuts next year.
DIRECTOR’S REPORT ~ Louise Charbonneau
The events for February and March are as follows:
Thurs., Feb. 3…Movie “Philadelphia Story”
Mon., Feb. 7…Andy Volpe’s Medieval Artist Program
Thurs, Feb. 10…Movie “Ken Burns’ America: The Shakers”
Mon., Feb. 14…Coffee and Sweets for Valentine’s Day
Trip—White’s of Westport for Lunch & Show “Sweet Heart”
Thurs., Feb. 17…Summer in February; Movie “Iron Will
Mon., Feb. 21…Senior Center Closed for President’s Day
Thurs., Feb. 24…Movie “Chances Are”
Fri., Feb. 25…Laughter Yoga; Veterans’ Meeting
Mon., Feb. 28…Planning for the Future series
Thurs., March 3…Movie “Black Narcissus”
Wed., March 9…Scams in the News with Detective Chris Carey, H.P.D.
Thurs., March 10…Movie “Duma”
Wed., March 16…“The Silvertones” in Celebration of St. Partick’s Day
Trip—Shenanigan’s Street at the Olde Cornerstone Playhouse in Mystic, CT
Thurs., March 17…Movie “The Beauty of Ireland”
Mon., March 21…Tea with Tina Bemis
Thurs., March 24…Program on China with Virginia Heslinga; Movie “The Bourne Identity”
Fri., March 25…Laughter Yoga
Mon., March 28…Planning for Nursing Home Care
Thurs., March 31…Movie “Dear John”
The Executive Office of Elder Affairs will hold a “Wisdom Works” training here on Friday, March 4th from 9:30 to 2:30.
Once again this year, we are hosting AARP volunteers who will prepare simple tax returns for no fee. They will be here on February 7, 14 and 28; March 7, 14, 21 and 28; April 4 and 11. Appointments are necessary.
Leominster Credit Union held a blanket drive in the month of January. They garnered 5 or 6 blankets which our outreach workers are distributing to needy families.
At the request of Emmett Schmarsow, we are hosting a board training here at our center on Friday, June 10th. He had requests for this training from another town, but felt he would rather hold the training here. The time table for the day is Registration from 8:45 to 9:15, and the training from 9:15 to 11:45. Louise encouraged any board member who has never attended a training to attend. They are very interesting and answer many questions you may have.
Louise attended the budget hearing last night. She said certain board members were assigned certain budgets. The hearing went well. There was a question as to why the budget went up from 2008 to 2009, which was due to the new van.
Senior Center1130 Main StreetHolden, MA 01520Phone 508.829.0270Fax 508.829.0214
Louise reported that she will be away from Tuesday, March 8th through Monday, March 27th.
It was unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 a.m.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 8:00 a.m. at the Holden Senior Center.
Respectfully submitted,
Maureen Buffone
Senior Center1130 Main StreetHolden, MA 01520Phone 508.829.0270Fax 508.829.0214